A service, known correctly to very few, Search Engine Optimization is still being misunderstood by masses and yet being so commonly performed. Search Engine Optimization is is explicitly about pushing your website ranking as high as it could get, and not at all times out doing your competitors leading you to the top, not every time. It is an activity aimed to better solicit your business in a steady and long term fashion while maintaining ethics and standards. Standards that are defined by search engines with other legitimate actions that can never be called off with new updates which are well known. SEO is not the name of finding loop holes in search engines. Indeed, it can be difficult to understand especially when a small business and mostly startups have higher expectations in short terms. It's a fact and we all must admit it that SEO is not going to get you the top ranking in every scenario to every business in a matter of a few weeks and sometimes months but its value should never be undermined only if you know your targeted audience, your targeted region and your customer's persona fairly well. Your business can comfortably stand your competition and that is a guarantee.
To us, Search Engine Optimization is 60% content marketing with the strategy of building out more and more bases while entertaining those visitors with the type of content they'd like to read, the type of marketing callout, the type of news and the type of events your business carries out. To us, SEO is not about writing up contents and publishing on various platforms only, it starts with devising a full year plan of your marketing, promotional activities, providing list of events and recommending the level of participations, sharing industry relevant news and being your voice sharing your opinion as a business. This is how we build out a long term and highly connected audience. The rest of the 40% is divided between various business strategies which involves supporting social marketing, classified marketing, limited and highly specific link building only if it is deemed necessary, partner / affiliate network build up and fine tuning strategies stage by stage.
We may not come low with pricing because we don't deliver low, if you'd like to get an idea of your plan just give us a call and with absolutely no wait time we guarantee the answers will be honest and for the good of your business.
Ferozi Technologiesdoes not expect their customers or prospect customers to do much of work. Our super diligent team is ever ready to document your idea, plan the development schedules and choose the best technology for your project.